Where's Scrappy?

Pictures, pictures, pictures I love to take pictures. I'm not a pro or even good at it, but I love to get the camera (or phone) and snap a pic!!!
Then I dump them all on the computer... THOUSANDS...

I share some on Facebook, I email a few to friends and family, I post some on my blog... but what about the other million photos?
Back 10 years ago, I used crop and stick all kinds of photos in scrapbooks! I loved it!! I told everyone I knew to try it, and I even held scrapbook parties at my house! After a few years of being completely obsessed with scrapbooking I decided to try and sell Creative Memories. I did alright, I probably would have done better if I hadn't spent all my earnings (and then some) on supplies for my albums.

Recently, (approx 3 years ago) I found that I could make photo books on
www.Shutterfly.com and www.Snapfish.com I now have a small collection of digital scrapbooks (9).

I still have the supplies to make and update the albums I have, so I am planning a scrapbook day or evening REAL soon!
I have individual albums for each of my kids that need some updated photos in them!

I know I will never scrapbook or digitally scrapbook ALL of our photos, but half a million photos with captions or stories to explain to someone may help whomever to understand my vision of my life.

Encouraging many of my family and friends to scrapbook was not for my personal happiness but for theirs and their families. Some of my biggest smiles happen when my kids look through my scrapbooks and say "I remember that Mom" and "We had so much fun" ... but my very favorite is "Mom, where is my scrapbook I want to show my friends". My heart swells just typing that last one (also my eyes tear up).

Here's to a wonderful person and sweet friend that introduced me to scrapbooking... Bonnie LoPrinzi. Thank you you have changed my life as well as my family's!

Do you scrapbook? If so, Do you enjoy it?


  1. U are creative love ur page!!! U have such a beautiful family.

  2. yes i scrapbook fof course and i love it i am soo glad u got me to finally do it u motivated me ur just that kind of persom to motivate in so many ways love ya xoxoxox


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