Things I love

We all have things that we 'love' or better stated, bring us joy. 😁

I figured I would share some of the things that currently bring me joy. I say currently because our things change, right?
Like when I was in my twenties I remember that hoodies brought me joy, I would be so happy and comfy when I would wear one! 

July 2010 Jon and I came to Houston just the two of us to meet his business partners and take pictures for their website.
THE very first thing I saw and fell in love with in Houston..... PALM TREES!!! 🌴
That was almost 10 years ago and I still get excited and take pictures when I see beautiful palm trees!
Some of you know that I enjoy many different types of trees, I am always taking pictures of them.

 I may or may not be obsessed with TACOS!!
You see I had no idea there were different types of tacos. Once we moved to Sugar Land I had street tacos. I have been in love ever since! No joke I could eat them 3-4 times a week!

Have you ever had a piece of furniture that you just had to have??? Well I did and believe it or not I got it for free! Mother's Day like 13 years ago we were shopping for a new table and chairs for our large family (we only had 7 then). We came across a salesman that was really good at his job.

Mind you we were only 'looking', but he flipped the chair upside down and stood on it, while saying "these chairs will last you years they are so sturdy".  The price of the table and chairs was more then we had budgeted so I walked away while the guys bargained. 

I was admiring a Grandfather clock that was unlike any I seen. (I had always wanted one since I was little girl, my aunt had 2 that I adored).
The guys walked over to me to share their agreement, and the salesman blurts out (while my husband is explaining their agreement) "How would you like that clock thrown in the deal?" I lit up and said "How much?" He replied "I will throw it in for free if you buy the table and chairs". 
This clock still brings me joy to this day!!!!
These are my Nikes.
Its simple on this... IπŸ’–them.
They are the most comfortable Nikes I have owned and they are nice looking and match everything.

As a mom of 9, of course having cool gadgets at the house to make things organized and easier  brings me joy!
IKEA has many cool gadgets. But we bought one that I am over the moon about.....

Hanging laundry organizer!! It even has shelves above it!! This is one of the best home improvement things we have ever invested in!
YEP I love this!!

Instagram is very interesting to me. At one point Instagram consumed hours of my day. I even made friends with a woman that seems to have similar interests as me. One of the things we both enjoy very much... Emma Bridgewater ceramics, specifically the Toast and Marmalade collection.
I would love to have this entire set....
There are many other designs but this happens to my favorite. 
While in Virginia, it took everything in me not to buy the 3 piece set (picture below) that I found at a little shop in Smithfield. Sadly, I do not own any Emma Bridgewater pieces, YET

While driving down the highway one afternoon I saw something that made everyone in our car so happy... It was a truck with the coolest paint job I have ever seen. πŸ’™πŸ’™

I know a lot of people love Starbucks, I am one of them. But what I really love... the holiday designs on their cups!!

Last on my list today of things I love came  into my life after I posted how much I loved the fragrance. My cousin surprised me and ordered it and mailed it to me!! I try not to wear it everyday....
TRULY gracious by Kate Spade

Now that I have shared some of the things I love... 

Do you have things that you love and would like to share?


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