Home Hair Salon

It seems when quarantine hits, and lockdown happens, 
our family decided to open a Hair Salon at home!
Enjoy this experimental journey.

One evening while watching TV, our teen daughters came in with this...

Nice job girls!
(little secret, I had already said yes so this was for their Dad)

Of course he couldn't argue with this very impressive presentation and points made, so they were off to the store for color...
Isabelle (age 18) video

Final look...

Eva (age 15) video

Final look...

I guess dying hair wasn't enough for this Home Hair Salon.

Phase 2 was well... my fault!!
First, I want to say I am not, nor have I ever been, a hairstylist!

Now that I have said that, let's see what happened at our house during quarantine...

It all started when I saw an old photo of myself on Facebook memories. I noticed my hair in the photo and remembered how much I loved it then.
I decided since all the hair salons are closed, I would try to cut my own hair...


I borrowed my cousin's exceptionally sharp scissors, and headed to my bathroom.
Well, my daughter Isabelle was in there getting dressed after her shower and watched me cut my own hair.
Just for the record, I have never let my kid watch or know that I cut my own hair sometimes, in fear they would try it themselves. We all have seen how that can turn out.  

You see, Isabelle has wanted her hair cut for a few months, but was waiting for Angelica (the most important dance performance of the year) to pass. As crazy as it turns out... Angelica would have been (thank you Coronavirus) on the day that all this hair cutting at home took place!! 

"You wanna cut my hair?" Isabelle says as I finish with my own.

A little background... this certain daughter of mine is very concerned with how she looks, takes more selfies in a week then I have in a year (and we all know I like selfies), and when things do not go her way... well let's just say, she is definitely MY daughter!
As she is asking, I am thinking 'Absolutely not, no way, not gonna happen!!'

But out of my mouth comes, "If you want, but if I screw up...."

OF course she says the line every person says BEFORE the haircut, "It'll grow back, it's just hair."

So off we go, figuring out what she wants (as though I am a hairstylist and can produce what she is picturing)

Then the cutting begins...
A few minutes later a messenger comes in (Annelise) to tell us it is dinner time. OH MAN, another child witnessing hair being cut at home!!
'Can you cut my hair next?'
What is happening? Did I open a hair salon in my home?

We have to hurry to dinner, so I have to stop cutting Isabelle's hair and one side is still long... She says "NO WAY, at least make the back the same length"

She walks out, and shows her dad, brother and sisters. And I am holding my breath... 
I AM NOT A HAIRSTYLIST, I am ready to say to defend myself...

They all tell her how good it looks!!
'Wow! Mom you did a great job!' 
'It looks so good!!'
'Mom did that?'
-Responses from all different people-

So after dinner, I trim her up and start on her sister. 
She wanted hers shorter than Isabelle, which was fine with me, as she does not like to do anything with her. 

In the end, three of my daughters had new haircuts by their untrained mom.
Here are the results....

Isabelle’s Before
After ⬇️

Annelise’s Before

LilyKate’s Before
After ⬇️

Everyone seems pleased with the haircuts, so I guess fake until you make it?

Do you cut your own hair? What would prompt you to try an at-home cut?


  1. I can not believe you did it. But that being said they really did turn out great. This article is funny, especially the part where you thought 'Absolutely not, no way, not gonna happen!!' but said sure... Wow.


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